A learning management system

The solution is the Caleidoscoop platform, which fully digitalizes course management, simplifying registration and tracking while integrating with external providers for payment and accounting.

The client 

Centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding (CLB) is an institution working closely with every accredited school in Belgium. CLBs help students with learning and studying, and their psychological and social functioning. CLB centers employ social workers who regularly attend courses and workshops to enhance their professional skills. 

Client Challenge   

The client registered courses manually but as their team grew, it was hard for them to track attendance resulting in a lot of administrative work. 

Project goals

1. A platform from scratch

Fully transitioning from manual to digital with a new platform for course management 

2. Simplification

Simplifying the process of registering and tracking courses 

3. Integration

Integrating the platform with external providers for payment and accounting purposes

The solution

The final solution is the Caleidoscoop platform, a learning and content management system now serving over 2,000 users.

CLB employees can register for or withdraw from courses, while CLB admins can track enrollments, and create, cancel, or postpone courses. Course payments are streamlined by automatically sending the required information to an external provider, and administrative tasks are reduced through integration with an accounting provider.


Course Lifecycle  

CLB admins can create courses from scratch, setting parameters like title, speakers, location, time, and participant limits. We also implemented a system that tracks the course’s lifecycle, allowing both admins and users to monitor its status with tags such as postponed, announced, and open for registration.

User approval management 

Employees can access a dashboard that provides an overview of their favorite courses and those they are or can be enrolled in. They can upload documents and add comments about courses. Managers can track and approve course applications for their team and add external users, such as special guests. A system was implemented to monitor user status such as applied, approved/denied, and registered allowing users, admins, and managers to check statuses within the app.

Tech solution

For the development of the web app, we opted for Java and the Spring Boot Framework. The solution was fully integrated into the CLB ecosystem — including a SAML SSO integration with the company’s Identity provider services. With an SSO (single Sign-On) we managed to comply with the strict confidentiality protocols since employees can only use their ID to log in. For front-end development, we used Angular and hosted on AWS.

Business impact

1. Minimal manual work

The complete digitalization of their learning processes minimizes the need for manual work

2. One main platform

One platform where they can create, track, and organize courses, manage participants, and gain real-time insights into course progress and user engagement

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