A secure data management solution for CLBs and schools

This custom web platform enables CLB employees to securely and efficiently share student reports with a select group of users in schools.

The client 

The Centrum voor Leerlingenbegeleiding (CLB) is an institution that partners with every accredited school in Flanders (Belgium) to support students with learning, studying, and their psychological and social well-being. 

Client Challenge    

CLB centers play a key role in evaluating pupils and defining their level of learning disability. This information is important for headmasters and teachers when preparing the school to meet their needs. The issue was that CLB lacked a secure way to share student reports with schools. 

Project goals

1. Targeted access to reports

Enabling selected school staff to access student reports with controlled access to specific data

2. Security and stability

Adhering to confidentiality policies, all while being stable so the data can be accessed anytime


3. Integration

Integration with external platforms to comply with security protocols 

The solution

The final solution was a web platform accessed by teachers, headmasters, and CLB employees.

By entering student information, school personnel can access corresponding student records. Headmasters can also access an overview of all student records from their school. And, in special situations e.g. before school enrollments, headmasters can access all student data to see if their school is prepared to meet their needs. 


Collaboration files 

The platform supports collaboration between schools and CLB through collaboration files. CLB staff and school users can access and contribute to shared case files, upload documents, and work together on common topics. 

Tech solution

For the tech stack, we opted for Spring Boot and Angular. Since multiple layers of security were needed, we implemented them using Spring Security.

In order to comply with strict confidentiality protocols the app performs user authentication with an SSO (single Sign-On) where users can only use their ACM/IDM to log in.  With this login info, the app is then able to serve student information only to authorized users at any time. We also developed an efficient and robust data import process using Spring Batch. Finally, AWS cloud services provided high availability, lowered infrastructure costs, and sped up platform development.

Business impact

1. Secure sharing of reports

CLBs now have a secure and efficient platform for sharing student reports with schools

2. Compliance with security needs

The solution is compliant with the client’s policies and rules and has stable integration with external platforms

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