A Web application for time and resource allocation management

The solution tracks marketing and sales activities and provides real-time resource monitoring.

The client

Proximus is one of the leading telecom providers in Belgium with the biggest coverage via interconnected and fixed mobile networks. The Proximus marketing and sales teams carry out several campaigns in Belgium to promote the installation of their fiber internet infrastructure.

Client Challenge

The client faced the issue of not having an efficient way of scheduling and tracking their marketing and sales activities and visualizing the campaigns’ success. Most of their tracking activities were performed manually which caused inefficiencies and was too time-consuming.

Project goals

1. Digitalization

Complete digitalization of their model for tracking marketing and sales activities

2. Standardization

Standardizing action types creation and registration

3. Data import

Automatic data import from the client’s internal systems

4. Data overview

Enabling admins to gain a comprehensive overview of user activity and key metrics

The solution

The final solution was a custom web app successfully integrated with their internal systems, with configurable options all while providing high-security measures. Proximus managers can follow their sales and marketing activities, create new, personalized activities, and track their success.

Admins can now manage users by adding new ones and assigning various roles within the app. They can also access a complete overview of user activities, important metrics, and export the data for reporting purposes.


Actions management

Admins can easily create sales actions based on location, action type, dates, and duration. They can also define new action types, assigning a name, price, and cancellation deadline. Integrated with Google Maps, actions can be created by clicking directly on the blocks on the map, and admins can reserve resources for these actions. Additionally, they can choose if an action will be performed by external partners.


We implemented a calendar feature that gives admins a time-related overview of their sales activities. They can filter these activities by area, sub-area, city, neighborhood, block, time, and activity type.

Tech solution

For backend development, we used Java and the Spring boot framework while for frontend development, we opted for Angular. For hosting and data management we employed AWS servers.

Business impact

1. Activities tracking

The client is now able to track the progress of their marketing and sales activities 

2. Data exporting and importing

The import of data is fully automatic and they can export data for further analysis 

3. Resource allocation monitoring

They have a real-time overview of resources and their availability 

4. Configuration

The client can create new action types without requiring IT support 

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