What we do / Our services


Our services

Our work fuel is expertise, communication, and trust. With all that combined, we develop and maintain custom-made and tailored software solutions for our client's specific needs. Tacta is divided into 2 divisions: Tacta Core Services & Tacta Professional Services

Tacta Core Services

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Tacta Core Services is focused on projects for which we take on full responsibility for developing, achieving, and maintaining their business goals. These projects are usually long-term oriented, based on direct and transparent collaboration between our multifunctional teams and clients, on technical and business, and strategic levels.

We believe that developing quality software isn’t possible without knowing the software's business context. So, having a say in the business aspect is the only way to ensure quality and cost manageability in the short and long term.

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In this division, our team of expert developers and architects supported by quality assurance specialists, business analysts, and UX designers helps our clients build manageable and reliable software, all in line with their business context. 

Using Agile methodology, we are always ready to work in close cooperation with our clients and embrace changes on the go. We strive for and deliver sustainable and scalable architecture to deal with the complexities of your business processes.

We do not just develop your software, we will also work with you on constant maintenance and testing.

Take a look at our Case studies for more reference.

Tacta Professional Services

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In the Tacta Professional Services division, we allocate individual experts in various domains for our client's specific business needs by relying on our fast-growing pool of internal and external talent sources.